Think Outside the Couch

Walk-and-talk is a form of psychotherapy while walking outdoors in public places. We offer walk-and-talk sessions as an optional treatment modality. Walking sessions typically take place at a local park. Some clients enjoy the experience of movement while talking or feel more comfortable talking side-by-side, rather than sitting face-to-face in an office or in front of the computer.

Is it for me?

If you’re interested, we’ll decide beforehand if it’s clinically appropriate for your situation. Walk-and-talk sessions can be used intermittently or regularly, and may be discontinued at any time.

Not all clients choose to walk. We can sit at a picnic table, or on our own individual blankets or chairs. You collaborate with your therapist on what works best for you.

“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.”
― John Muir